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Sep 13, 2021
Locgic Marketing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor 


Sep 13, 2021
Locgic Marketing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor 


Sep 13, 2021
Locgic Marketing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor 



Aug 10, 2021
li sa

A wireless trail camera is simply a game camera that sends pictures to your phone in one of two ways. They may utilize Wi-Fi, which is the same technology that allows you to surf the internet without plugging in an ethernet cable.

A ワイヤレストレイルカメラは、2つの方法のいずれかで携帯電話に写真を送信する単なるゲームカメラです。彼らはWi-Fiを利用するかもしれません。これは、イーサネットケーブルを接続せずにインターネットをサーフィンできるのと同じテクノロジーです。他のタイプのワイヤレスゲームカムは、携帯電話の機能を支援する同じセルラーネットワークを使用しています。

ワイヤレスゲームカメラ は、物件の出入りを監視するための便利なツールです。しかし、彼らには問題がないわけではありません。最終的に、あなたに最適なタイプは、予算と同じくらい、またはカメラをどのように使用するかによって異なります。利用可能な最も安価なワイヤレスカメラは、そのユーザーの目的により適している場合、最も高価なカメラよりも優れている可能性があります。




無制限の範囲のセルラーカメラトラップは、 セキュリティのためにカメラを使用する住宅所有者にもアピールできます そして監視。ワイヤレストレイルカムを見えにくく、したがって盗むのが難しい場所に配置することは、常に賢明な決断です。ユーザーにとって残念なことに、これはSDカードの取得も困難にします。セルラートレイルカメラを使用すると、休暇中や別荘を監視しているときでも、どこからでも画像を表示できます。














Wi-Fi Trail Camera for animals









best wireless trail camera 2021







簡単に言えば、セルラーゲームカメラは、写真にリモートでアクセスする必要がある人にとって最適なオプションです。 Wi-Fi接続の20メートルの制限は、ほとんどのハンターや、離れている間は自分の財産を保護したい住宅所有者にとっては役に立ちません。距離が重要な要素である場合、最高のワイヤレスゲームカメラは間違いなくセルラーゲームカメラです。


選択したカメラから明らかなように、ゲームカムワイヤレス市場はセルラーテクノロジーによって支配されています。 Wi-Fi屋外カメラは単に同じ範囲のセルカメラを提供していません。かつてはバッテリーを除いて運用コストが不足していたことが最大の利点でしたが、データのみのセルラープランは年々安くなっています。


Wireless Trail Cameras: Everything You Need to Know


Sep 10, 2021
Locgic Marketing




  1. フルSDカード

これは、単にメモリを解放する必要があるための状況です。これは、いくつかの写真やビデオを削除するか、 SDカードを完全に再フォーマットすることで理解できます。


  1. 間違ったSDカード



  1. 太陽のまぶしさ

いずれにせよ、強力なハンティングカメラは、直射日光が当たっている可能性が低いため、現時点では焦点が影響を受ける可能性があります。 。最終製品は現場にあります。



  1. バッテリーの問題



  1. 識別問題



campark trail camera



  1. 未保存の写真


  1. 照明の問題



  1. ちらつき表示




1。目標範囲を前提として、設置高さ:屋内カメラの設置高さは2.5〜4m、屋外カメラの設置高さは3.5〜10mです。エレベータかごは、エレベータマニピュレータに対して対角線上にエレベータかごの上部に設置されます。 、そしてカメラの光軸とエレベータの2つの壁と天井は45度の角度を形成します。



trail cameras for security







10。赤外線カメラの視野では、黒い物体、オープンスペース、水など、赤外線を吸収する物体を避けてください。CCDカメラの赤外線は、物体に赤外線を反射して画像を形成するために使用されます。 CCDカメラレンズ。赤外光が吸収または弱まり、赤外ランプの有効な照明効果が弱まります。




理想的には、「トレイルカメラの問題にスピーディーに取り組む方法は?」という質問に答えられる便利なソリューションを検討しました。確かに、決まった原則や修正はありません。 ゲームカメラに精通する必要があります。これは、信頼性の高い使用を通じて行う必要があります。

trail camera

A Complete Guide to Trail Camera Sensors

Mar 23, 2023
Li Tammy

Trail Camera PIR sensors are a surprisingly complicated firmware, electronic, optical and mechanical system. After reading this, you would understand how it work.


  1. What is a PIR sensor?
  2. Range of different PIR sensors
  3. How do PIR sensors work?
  4. Application of PIR sensor in Trail Camera
  5. What are the different adjustable settings for the PIR sensor on the Trail camera?
  6. The best place to put the PIR sensor

Trail cameras are essential for wildlife enthusiasts, hunters, and outdoor enthusiasts who want to capture images of wildlife and other outdoor activities. One of the most important aspects of a trail camera is the sensor. In this guide, we'll explore the different types of sensors and their characteristics.

PIR or motion sensors are used to track cameras to detect movement in front of the camera. Each trail camera will have one or more PIR sensors. These sensors are an integral part of every trail camera design and will directly affect each camera's performance.


trail camera

 Ref: Elprocus

What is a PIR sensor?

A passive infrared sensor (PIR sensor) is an electronic sensor that measures infrared (IR) light emitted by objects within its field of view. They are most commonly used in PIR-based motion detectors. PIR sensors are often referred to simply as "PIR" and are sometimes referred to as "PID," which stands for "Passive Infrared Detector." Passive means that the PIR device does not radiate energy for detection purposes. They work entirely by detecting infrared radiation (radiant heat) emitted or reflected by objects.

How it works: All objects with a temperature above absolute zero emit heat energy through electromagnetic radiation. Usually, this radiation is invisible to the human eye because it radiates at infrared wavelengths, but it can be detected by electronics designed for this purpose. A PIR sensor can detect changes in the amount of infrared radiation impinging on it, depending on the temperature and surface properties of the object in front of the sensor. When an object, such as a person, passes in front of a background, such as a wall, the temperature within the sensor's field of view will rise from room to body temperature and then back again. The sensor converts a change in incident infrared radiation into a change in output voltage, which triggers the detection. Objects with similar temperatures but different surface features may also have different patterns of infrared emission, so moving them relative to the background may also trigger the detector.

What it does: PIR-based motion detectors are used to sense the motion of people, animals, or other objects.


trail camera

Ref: Elprocus

Range of different PIR sensors

  • Indoor Passive Infrared: The detection distance ranges from 25 cm to 20 m.
  • Indoor Curtain Type: The detection distance ranges from 25 cm to 20 m.
  • Outdoor PIR: The detection distance ranges from 10m to 150m.
  • Outdoor Passive Infrared Curtain Detector: Distance from 10m to 150m.

How do PIR sensors work?

Compared to other sensors, a PIR sensor is primary on its own, but it becomes much more complicated when a Fresnel lens is added to round out the system.

The PIR sensor has only two "pixels," and the PIR detector cannot see the image. Two "pixels" are much less than the millions in the primary image sensor. Therefore, to detect any moving people and animals in the field of view, it needs to be supplemented by other optics - Fresnel lens.

Fresnel lens array

The design of the Fresnel lens array is very subtle. Did you notice the little black curved piece of plastic on the camera? This black plastic is the Fresnel lens array for the PIR system. On the back of the curved plastic is a careful layout of Fresnel lenses. The role of the Fresnel lens is very important. First, gather light. Provides a more comprehensive range of IR for the sensor. Second, expand the detection area. Broader and more complex large rectangular regions can be seen through the small sensor window. This is performed by faceted sections of the plastic cover, engineered through precisely placed concentric rings called Fresnel lenses. Each facet works with the PIR sensor to detect a different area. The design of the Fresnel lens is essential for the camera to see the angle and location.

As mentioned earlier, the Fresnel lens design can significantly affect the detection angle, while the detection distance depends on the PIR sensor.

trail camera

Application of PIR sensor in Trail Camera

First, PIR sensor technology has been gradually improved, with small size and low-cost advantages. Secondly, the camera sensor will only activate and shoot when animals pass by in front of the camera, which is very consistent with the randomness of outdoor detection of animals. Meet the needs of long standby time and save battery power. Finally, storage space on the camera's memory card is also reserved, as the camera only takes photos and videos when there is an activity in the detection area.

What are the different adjustable settings for the PIR sensor on the Trail camera?

PIR sensor adjustable settings include primary and secondary PIR selection on or off, sensitivity selection, and trigger interval setting.

Primary and secondary PIR selection: For some trail cameras with 3 sensors, the side sensor can usually be turned on or off. Typically, the 3 sensors of the trail camera are turned on by default. But if you only want to monitor a narrower area, or because of the camera's placement, it gets a lot of false trigger recordings from the side detection area, you can turn off the side PIR sensor in the settings.

Sensitivity selection: The PIR sensitivity of general trail cameras is divided into three levels: high, medium, and low. You can tailor the camera's sensitivity to your surroundings. If it is a relatively quiet and remote deep forest, there are few animal activity tracks, and the sensitivity can be set too high to ensure that the passing of animals will not be missed. Suppose the animal activity in the area where the camera is protected is very active to save the storage space on the camera memory card. In that case, you can set the PIR sensitivity of the camera to low. This feature provides multiple applicability to detection environments and scenarios.

Trigger Interval Setting: Most trail cameras have a PIR interval between 5 seconds and 60 minutes. The PIR delay interval is the time interval the camera waits before triggering another round of photos and videos.

5-second delay: you will get many shots of the same animal.

5-minute delay: You may get a single image of each animal unless they stay longer than 5 minutes.

If you are starting with a trail camera, I suggest you can set a delay interval of 30 seconds to start. After shooting in 30-second intervals for a while, you can extend or delay the trigger interval depending on the conditions and the footage you want.

Different settings of the PIR sensor, according to the needs of your detection area, you can adjust the PIR sensor to meet your shooting needs. This function also dramatically improves the applicability and versatility of the trail camera.

trail camera

The best place to put the PIR sensor

  • Ensure that all key areas are covered, including possible entry routes, corridors, and corners
  • Avoid installing sensors near heatsinks and vents, for example, because temperature changes may affect reliability or cause false alarms
  • The ideal installation height is usually 2-3 meters above the ground
  • Avoid placing the sensor in direct sunlight

PIR sensors are an essential part of trail cameras. So if you're looking to buy a trail camera or want to get the most out of the one you have, it's essential to understand how a PIR sensor works. When shopping for a trail camera, it's important to consider the sensor's quality and any adjustable settings available to ensure you get the most out of your trail camera to capture the perfect shot. Click to learn more about trail cameras with high-quality sensors.

Read More

A Complete Guide to Trail Camera Sensors

Be the First to Know

Subscribe for top stories, news and tips on how to transform your business with Campark.

Tips and Insights for Using Trail Cameras

Tips and Insights for Using Trail Cameras

Sep 14, 2024
deng lawrence

How to Get the Best Wildlife Shots

How to Get the Best Wildlife Shots

Jul 31, 2024
deng lawrence

Proper Installation and Use of Trail Cameras

Proper Installation and Use of Trail Cameras

Jul 15, 2024
deng lawrence

How Do Trail Cameras Work

How Do Trail Cameras Work

Jun 27, 2024
Ray Chan

When exploring the essential components of a trail camera, it's important to understand how each part contributes to the overall functionality. This knowledge helps in making an informed choice, whether you're using a Campark trail camera for wildlife observation, security, or hunting.

Campark TC21 Trail Camera: In-Depth Review & Test Footage

Campark TC21 Trail Camera: In-Depth Review & Test Footage

Jun 25, 2024
Li Tammy

In this detailed blog post, we delve into the capabilities and features of the Campark TC21 trail camera. From high-definition video and image capture to advanced night vision and rapid trigger speed, this article comprehensively examines how the TC21 becomes the ideal option for wildlife enthusiasts and those seeking to enhance home security. Whether you're a professional photographer, a researcher, or a homeowner, the Campark TC21 offers performance and reliability that exceed expectations. Join us as we explore why the Campark TC21 is so popular in the market and how it can meet your monitoring needs.



Sep 13, 2021
Locgic Marketing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor 


Sep 13, 2021
Locgic Marketing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor 


Sep 13, 2021
Locgic Marketing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor 



Aug 10, 2021
li sa

A wireless trail camera is simply a game camera that sends pictures to your phone in one of two ways. They may utilize Wi-Fi, which is the same technology that allows you to surf the internet without plugging in an ethernet cable.

A ワイヤレストレイルカメラは、2つの方法のいずれかで携帯電話に写真を送信する単なるゲームカメラです。彼らはWi-Fiを利用するかもしれません。これは、イーサネットケーブルを接続せずにインターネットをサーフィンできるのと同じテクノロジーです。他のタイプのワイヤレスゲームカムは、携帯電話の機能を支援する同じセルラーネットワークを使用しています。

ワイヤレスゲームカメラ は、物件の出入りを監視するための便利なツールです。しかし、彼らには問題がないわけではありません。最終的に、あなたに最適なタイプは、予算と同じくらい、またはカメラをどのように使用するかによって異なります。利用可能な最も安価なワイヤレスカメラは、そのユーザーの目的により適している場合、最も高価なカメラよりも優れている可能性があります。




無制限の範囲のセルラーカメラトラップは、 セキュリティのためにカメラを使用する住宅所有者にもアピールできます そして監視。ワイヤレストレイルカムを見えにくく、したがって盗むのが難しい場所に配置することは、常に賢明な決断です。ユーザーにとって残念なことに、これはSDカードの取得も困難にします。セルラートレイルカメラを使用すると、休暇中や別荘を監視しているときでも、どこからでも画像を表示できます。














Wi-Fi Trail Camera for animals









best wireless trail camera 2021







簡単に言えば、セルラーゲームカメラは、写真にリモートでアクセスする必要がある人にとって最適なオプションです。 Wi-Fi接続の20メートルの制限は、ほとんどのハンターや、離れている間は自分の財産を保護したい住宅所有者にとっては役に立ちません。距離が重要な要素である場合、最高のワイヤレスゲームカメラは間違いなくセルラーゲームカメラです。


選択したカメラから明らかなように、ゲームカムワイヤレス市場はセルラーテクノロジーによって支配されています。 Wi-Fi屋外カメラは単に同じ範囲のセルカメラを提供していません。かつてはバッテリーを除いて運用コストが不足していたことが最大の利点でしたが、データのみのセルラープランは年々安くなっています。


Wireless Trail Cameras: Everything You Need to Know


Sep 10, 2021
Locgic Marketing




  1. フルSDカード

これは、単にメモリを解放する必要があるための状況です。これは、いくつかの写真やビデオを削除するか、 SDカードを完全に再フォーマットすることで理解できます。


  1. 間違ったSDカード



  1. 太陽のまぶしさ

いずれにせよ、強力なハンティングカメラは、直射日光が当たっている可能性が低いため、現時点では焦点が影響を受ける可能性があります。 。最終製品は現場にあります。



  1. バッテリーの問題



  1. 識別問題



campark trail camera



  1. 未保存の写真


  1. 照明の問題



  1. ちらつき表示




1。目標範囲を前提として、設置高さ:屋内カメラの設置高さは2.5〜4m、屋外カメラの設置高さは3.5〜10mです。エレベータかごは、エレベータマニピュレータに対して対角線上にエレベータかごの上部に設置されます。 、そしてカメラの光軸とエレベータの2つの壁と天井は45度の角度を形成します。



trail cameras for security







10。赤外線カメラの視野では、黒い物体、オープンスペース、水など、赤外線を吸収する物体を避けてください。CCDカメラの赤外線は、物体に赤外線を反射して画像を形成するために使用されます。 CCDカメラレンズ。赤外光が吸収または弱まり、赤外ランプの有効な照明効果が弱まります。




理想的には、「トレイルカメラの問題にスピーディーに取り組む方法は?」という質問に答えられる便利なソリューションを検討しました。確かに、決まった原則や修正はありません。 ゲームカメラに精通する必要があります。これは、信頼性の高い使用を通じて行う必要があります。

trail camera

A Complete Guide to Trail Camera Sensors

Mar 23, 2023
Li Tammy

Trail Camera PIR sensors are a surprisingly complicated firmware, electronic, optical and mechanical system. After reading this, you would understand how it work.


  1. What is a PIR sensor?
  2. Range of different PIR sensors
  3. How do PIR sensors work?
  4. Application of PIR sensor in Trail Camera
  5. What are the different adjustable settings for the PIR sensor on the Trail camera?
  6. The best place to put the PIR sensor

Trail cameras are essential for wildlife enthusiasts, hunters, and outdoor enthusiasts who want to capture images of wildlife and other outdoor activities. One of the most important aspects of a trail camera is the sensor. In this guide, we'll explore the different types of sensors and their characteristics.

PIR or motion sensors are used to track cameras to detect movement in front of the camera. Each trail camera will have one or more PIR sensors. These sensors are an integral part of every trail camera design and will directly affect each camera's performance.


trail camera

 Ref: Elprocus

What is a PIR sensor?

A passive infrared sensor (PIR sensor) is an electronic sensor that measures infrared (IR) light emitted by objects within its field of view. They are most commonly used in PIR-based motion detectors. PIR sensors are often referred to simply as "PIR" and are sometimes referred to as "PID," which stands for "Passive Infrared Detector." Passive means that the PIR device does not radiate energy for detection purposes. They work entirely by detecting infrared radiation (radiant heat) emitted or reflected by objects.

How it works: All objects with a temperature above absolute zero emit heat energy through electromagnetic radiation. Usually, this radiation is invisible to the human eye because it radiates at infrared wavelengths, but it can be detected by electronics designed for this purpose. A PIR sensor can detect changes in the amount of infrared radiation impinging on it, depending on the temperature and surface properties of the object in front of the sensor. When an object, such as a person, passes in front of a background, such as a wall, the temperature within the sensor's field of view will rise from room to body temperature and then back again. The sensor converts a change in incident infrared radiation into a change in output voltage, which triggers the detection. Objects with similar temperatures but different surface features may also have different patterns of infrared emission, so moving them relative to the background may also trigger the detector.

What it does: PIR-based motion detectors are used to sense the motion of people, animals, or other objects.


trail camera

Ref: Elprocus

Range of different PIR sensors

  • Indoor Passive Infrared: The detection distance ranges from 25 cm to 20 m.
  • Indoor Curtain Type: The detection distance ranges from 25 cm to 20 m.
  • Outdoor PIR: The detection distance ranges from 10m to 150m.
  • Outdoor Passive Infrared Curtain Detector: Distance from 10m to 150m.

How do PIR sensors work?

Compared to other sensors, a PIR sensor is primary on its own, but it becomes much more complicated when a Fresnel lens is added to round out the system.

The PIR sensor has only two "pixels," and the PIR detector cannot see the image. Two "pixels" are much less than the millions in the primary image sensor. Therefore, to detect any moving people and animals in the field of view, it needs to be supplemented by other optics - Fresnel lens.

Fresnel lens array

The design of the Fresnel lens array is very subtle. Did you notice the little black curved piece of plastic on the camera? This black plastic is the Fresnel lens array for the PIR system. On the back of the curved plastic is a careful layout of Fresnel lenses. The role of the Fresnel lens is very important. First, gather light. Provides a more comprehensive range of IR for the sensor. Second, expand the detection area. Broader and more complex large rectangular regions can be seen through the small sensor window. This is performed by faceted sections of the plastic cover, engineered through precisely placed concentric rings called Fresnel lenses. Each facet works with the PIR sensor to detect a different area. The design of the Fresnel lens is essential for the camera to see the angle and location.

As mentioned earlier, the Fresnel lens design can significantly affect the detection angle, while the detection distance depends on the PIR sensor.

trail camera

Application of PIR sensor in Trail Camera

First, PIR sensor technology has been gradually improved, with small size and low-cost advantages. Secondly, the camera sensor will only activate and shoot when animals pass by in front of the camera, which is very consistent with the randomness of outdoor detection of animals. Meet the needs of long standby time and save battery power. Finally, storage space on the camera's memory card is also reserved, as the camera only takes photos and videos when there is an activity in the detection area.

What are the different adjustable settings for the PIR sensor on the Trail camera?

PIR sensor adjustable settings include primary and secondary PIR selection on or off, sensitivity selection, and trigger interval setting.

Primary and secondary PIR selection: For some trail cameras with 3 sensors, the side sensor can usually be turned on or off. Typically, the 3 sensors of the trail camera are turned on by default. But if you only want to monitor a narrower area, or because of the camera's placement, it gets a lot of false trigger recordings from the side detection area, you can turn off the side PIR sensor in the settings.

Sensitivity selection: The PIR sensitivity of general trail cameras is divided into three levels: high, medium, and low. You can tailor the camera's sensitivity to your surroundings. If it is a relatively quiet and remote deep forest, there are few animal activity tracks, and the sensitivity can be set too high to ensure that the passing of animals will not be missed. Suppose the animal activity in the area where the camera is protected is very active to save the storage space on the camera memory card. In that case, you can set the PIR sensitivity of the camera to low. This feature provides multiple applicability to detection environments and scenarios.

Trigger Interval Setting: Most trail cameras have a PIR interval between 5 seconds and 60 minutes. The PIR delay interval is the time interval the camera waits before triggering another round of photos and videos.

5-second delay: you will get many shots of the same animal.

5-minute delay: You may get a single image of each animal unless they stay longer than 5 minutes.

If you are starting with a trail camera, I suggest you can set a delay interval of 30 seconds to start. After shooting in 30-second intervals for a while, you can extend or delay the trigger interval depending on the conditions and the footage you want.

Different settings of the PIR sensor, according to the needs of your detection area, you can adjust the PIR sensor to meet your shooting needs. This function also dramatically improves the applicability and versatility of the trail camera.

trail camera

The best place to put the PIR sensor

  • Ensure that all key areas are covered, including possible entry routes, corridors, and corners
  • Avoid installing sensors near heatsinks and vents, for example, because temperature changes may affect reliability or cause false alarms
  • The ideal installation height is usually 2-3 meters above the ground
  • Avoid placing the sensor in direct sunlight

PIR sensors are an essential part of trail cameras. So if you're looking to buy a trail camera or want to get the most out of the one you have, it's essential to understand how a PIR sensor works. When shopping for a trail camera, it's important to consider the sensor's quality and any adjustable settings available to ensure you get the most out of your trail camera to capture the perfect shot. Click to learn more about trail cameras with high-quality sensors.

Read More

A Complete Guide to Trail Camera Sensors

Be the First to Know

Subscribe for top stories, news and tips on how to transform your business with Campark.

Tips and Insights for Using Trail Cameras

Tips and Insights for Using Trail Cameras

Sep 14, 2024
deng lawrence

How to Get the Best Wildlife Shots

How to Get the Best Wildlife Shots

Jul 31, 2024
deng lawrence

Proper Installation and Use of Trail Cameras

Proper Installation and Use of Trail Cameras

Jul 15, 2024
deng lawrence

How Do Trail Cameras Work

How Do Trail Cameras Work

Jun 27, 2024
Ray Chan

When exploring the essential components of a trail camera, it's important to understand how each part contributes to the overall functionality. This knowledge helps in making an informed choice, whether you're using a Campark trail camera for wildlife observation, security, or hunting.

Campark TC21 Trail Camera: In-Depth Review & Test Footage

Campark TC21 Trail Camera: In-Depth Review & Test Footage

Jun 25, 2024
Li Tammy

In this detailed blog post, we delve into the capabilities and features of the Campark TC21 trail camera. From high-definition video and image capture to advanced night vision and rapid trigger speed, this article comprehensively examines how the TC21 becomes the ideal option for wildlife enthusiasts and those seeking to enhance home security. Whether you're a professional photographer, a researcher, or a homeowner, the Campark TC21 offers performance and reliability that exceed expectations. Join us as we explore why the Campark TC21 is so popular in the market and how it can meet your monitoring needs.

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